Where and How to Apply Perfume

Scent clings best to moist/humid skin, so apply perfume to your pulse points which are the areas on your skin where blood flow is the strongest and the skin is the warmest: to the inside of your wrists, back of your knees, around your ankles, neck, behind your ears, between your breasts, and inside your elbows. You can also spray and walk into your fragrance.

Never rub perfume because that crushes the molecules of the fragrance and ruins the scent.

For a lighter scent, spray the outside of your hand instead of the inside if your wrist.

For a subtle perfuming of your hair and clothing, spray your perfume in the air and then walk through it. If you prefer a lighter overall smell and not concentrated on one part of your body, this may be the method for you (especially wonderful for a social event where there will be lots of people).